Gaming RoR

Cake, post NB removal

The ongoing discussion on the forums is pretty entertaining yes, but ultimately pointless since a decision has been made : it’s time to remove NB from the game.

So, what does that mean to me ?
It’s quite simple, it means I’ll play less characters.

Muscle memory :

Since I want to be a solid player and not drag my teamates down, and I cannot rely on NB to map every character to have the same keyboard layout, I have to “train” my muscle memory for each character individually.

So I’m left with two options :

1 – Increase my RoR playtime so I can practice regularly on each of my characters.
This is not a good option for me at this point in my life.
And even if it were, if I wanted to put gaming 1st, I’d play a competitive game and not a “dead” one.
So spending more time on RoR won’t be the solution for me.

2 – Reduce the number of characters I play to increase the time I practice on each of them.
This is the option I’m gonna opt for since it’s better for my real life and also because of my next point :

Motivation :

If you have read any of my “builds” here, you know that I like to finetune several aspects of them, including NB sequences.
I didn’t post most of them because I’m confident (read cocky) I could use NB better than most people and that it gave me an advantage, and also cause I think that with the rotations I posted one could build his own sequences.
IB exemple : I posted one rotation, but I use 24 keybinds on IB, most of them with NB (I guess I wasn’t aware that with one button NB could play the game for me heh).

That aspect of building a character that I enjoyed is now gone, which lowers my motivation to build other ones.
Pushing me to play less characters.

So my decision is made, I’ll play less characters, but which ones ?

The bias problem :

Everybody is biased.
To avoid being “overly” biased I used to play 4 different tanks (and ultimately would have played all of them).
This won’t be possible for me anymore so I have to narrow my choices, sadly becoming more biased in the process, but it is inevitable for me at this point.

To keep bias at a minimum (in my situation) I have to play one character on each side.
They will be tanks since it is what I like the most.

Order side :

Since I’m in the process of building my SM and started a serie on her journey on this very blog, my choice was easy on this side :
I’m gonna play my SM Tzarinacake.

It’s also arguably the best choice powerwise at the moment, SMs being very strong.

Destro side :

Here my choice was harder.
I couldn’t decide beetween my chosen and my black orc.
I finnaly settled for my CH Colonelcake.

What tipped me was the fact that all the cries about BO being very weak at the moment tells me I’d have a harder time grouping on BO than on CH
(BO is still the best destro defensive tank and the best in a squishy party, but it doesn’t seem to interest most ppl).

Cake’s Thoughts :

As always when something changes, our natural resistance to it comes into play.
When we are done with that process, it’s time to adapt or to quit.
Since I do not plan on quitting yet, only one thing to do : adapt.

I’ll be drinking to Earthcake and Bosscake retirement even if it’s harder now without NB!

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