Gaming RoR

Unpopular Opinions – III Rezzing is bad

Rezzing = resurrecting someone

“What do you mean rezzing is bad ?!!! Obviously it’s good, it brings back someone to life!!!”
Yes it does, of course, and it’s good if used correctly but sadly it is NOT what’s happening most of the time, let’s delve into it.

1 – The reason people are dying :

Let’s talk about what happens during warband play, at least the vast majority of the time.

People do not die randomly, they die for a reason.

When the incoming damage is superior to your healing output, people start dying.
We gonna call the incoming damage “pressure” and the healing output “healing” :

Pressure < healing = happy face
Pressure > healing = death

It’s of course a bit more complicated than that due to single target assisting, being punted in the lava or whatever other reason, but most of the time it applies.

Now that we have identified the reason people are dying, we can look at what resurrecting someone does to it.

2 – The immediate impact of rezzing :

When rezzing, a healer stops healing for 3 seconds. This decreases the healing output of your warband.
After the rez, someone is brought back to life, but with very low health so they must be healed. This is the same as increasing the damage pressure.

What you want to do to stop people from dying is increase your healing output (if possible) and decrease the enemy’s pressure.

As we just saw, rezzing someone does exactly the opposite of that !

It must be used at the right time to have a good impact on the battle, not rushed as soon as someone dies. Failing to do so will result in more deaths.

3 – Righteous rezzing :

Obviously, the delayed impact of rezzing is having one more teammate to fight with, which is very beneficial. So rezzing is good. But it’s bad if it weights the balance towards enemy’s pressure.
How to get around that ?

It would take a looooong time to go through each and every way to tip the scale in your favor, but the principles are quite simple :

– First, decrease the enemy’s pressure.
Many ways to do it. Starting from spreading to avoid aoes and morale drops, to using damage mitigation mechanics. Too many to list. Obviously, after the battle pressure goes down to zero.

– Second, increase the healing output of your warband.
If healers weren’t afk at the start of the fight, then it’s quite difficult to do. Nonhealers can use health potions or some healing abilities, that’s about it.

When the scale is in your favor (pressure < healing), THEN you can start rezzing. Not before.
Exception is instant rez to “counter” the staking of your dead teammate.

Lvl 15 Jesus being rezzed after the battle versus T1 lair’s boss.

Cake’s Thoughts :

Rezzing too early is one of healers most common mistakes.
What good is there from rezzing 1 teammate while 3 others die because you stopped healing ?

It is very important to understand the concept of pressure, and have a good assessment of the pressure/healing situation before rezzing.

To help with this : remember healers are called healers, and not rezzers 😉

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